Azan Trading International Ltd. Situated at Koylabari, Shibganj, ChapaiNawaganj. This is 2 k.m away from Sona Masjid land port besides the highway. Excellent communication facilities as it is beside the wide highway. Azan Trading Company is amongst and derivative trade economy and this company is pioneer in the interweaving technology with the conventional financial services and thereby giving a superb campaign to the conventional derivative based trading industry in Bangladesh. Azan Trading International already set a modern cold storage in Chapainawabganj to support agri business. As a Trading house, Azan Trading has consistently upheld to assist our retail traders and investors. We are dedicated to provide up-to-date knowledge and hi-tech tools, platforms and constant customer support for competitive prices. We have current capacity of 5400MT in fruits, vegetable and spices preservation unit. In addition, it has 10,000 sqft processing facility for fruits and vegetables. The preservation facilities are supported Blitzer machineries (German). At present Azan Trading Int. is storing various seasonal fruits and vegetables i.e. Mango, Carrot, Red Chillie and Turmeric. We procure from all the products from farmers and store it through International standard up to a certain period according to the guideline. This storing helps the farmers to get the actual price of his products as well as minimize the wastage during harvesting season. One-third of Bangladesh’s horticultural produce, mainly vegetables and fruits, go to waste due to lack of post-harvest management, including facilities of preservation and storage, and a proper system of transportation. In such a situation, the Department of Agricultural Marketing has taken an initiative to set up 25 specialized cold storages across the country with a combined capacity of storing 3,000 tons of vegetables or fruits. The project is expected to be implemented by December 2024 at a cost of Tk 270 cr with the government’s own funding.
- Location: Koylabari, Shibganj, ChapaiNawabganj.
- Facilities: State-of-the-art preservation unit (5400 metric tons), 6,000 sqft processing facility
- Products: Seasonal fruits and vegetables (mangoes, carrots, red chilies, turmeric)
- Sourcing: Directly from local farmers
- Benefits: Fair prices for farmers, reduced post-harvest wastage
- Challenges: Post-harvest wastage in Bangladesh’s horticultural produce
- Facilities at a glance:
- 5400MT of Fruits and vegetable storage capacity.
- 6,000 sqf pre cooling area.
- Sufficient open space within each chamber for easy air circulation ‘1
- Ample lighting for product storage and inspection.
- Proper electronic doors as recommended for such facilities
- Digital display outside each chamber reducing need for frequent door opening and subsequent temperature loss.
- Ample free space around the main storage and processing building for easy loading & unloading.
- CCTV and firefighting equipment at all strategic locations reducing fire hazards
- Three Generators (a. Perkins brand 550KV one set and b. Dolphin Brand 5KV one set Both Diesel Engine